From experience we know that you can only advice well if you have listened carefully first.
What are the goals of the company and the employees? Are those goals realistic? How can we unburden our clients? In order to find out these crucial issues, we go into depth with our discussion partners and subsequently give substance to a pension solution, where freedom and independence always come first.

For example, we often help employers to free themselves from inclusion in an industry-wide pension fund in order to pave the way for setting up a pension solution that meets the company's needs on a one-to-one basis. Moreover, this can result in a large cost saving of approximately 25%!
Once the pension plan has been implemented, it must of course be managed. We take care of the administration
and the communication to the employees. Every year we check whether the structure and the results of the plan are in line with the objectives. If necessary, we make timely adjustments.

In addition, we organize an annual meeting with the employer to provide an update and to identify possible new issues within the organization that may affect the pension plan.

Curious about a future vision for your company pension?

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